Posts Tagged ‘Nobel Peace Prize’

Last chance to acquire 100 years of history for less than one penny per year

January 15, 2013

A Foot In Both Camps

Today 15th January 2013 is your last chance to experience 100 years of thrilling history, told through people who went through it, for less than one penny per year if you buy A FOOT IN BOTH CAMPS: A GERMAN PAST FOR BETTER AND FOR WORSE as an ebook.

Special Offer: 99p, $1.99, €1.99. Ends at midnight tonight.

European Union wins Nobel Peace Prize – time to stop knocking it

October 12, 2012

By awarding the European Union the Nobel Peace Prize, the Nobel Committee has exactly identified the most valuable benefit the EU has brought to the people of Europe – peace after two World Wars.

My grandfather was involved in World War I, and my father in World War II. I have never had to fight in anything. Putting a final end to hostilities was the overriding purpose of the founding fathers of the European Union, and they have delivered on their promise.

Peace is one of the greatest benefits mankind can wish for. It is liberating, enriching and ennobling. If the EU has brought that, it is senseless to try to destroy it for falling short in satisfying people’s many other aspirations. No national government succeeds wholly at that either.

It is regrettable that Britain, right up to the Prime Minister, loses no opportunity to undermine the EU. This is undeserved, irresponsible and against British interests. It is time to stop.